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PubMed QUEST: the PubMed query search tool. an informatics tool to aid cancer centers and cancer investigators in searching the PubMed databases.

TitlePubMed QUEST: the PubMed query search tool. an informatics tool to aid cancer centers and cancer investigators in searching the PubMed databases.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsHanauer, DA, Chinnaiyan, AM
JournalCancer Inform
Date Published2006

Searching PubMed for citations related to a specific cancer center or group of authors can be labor-intensive. We have created a tool, PubMed QUEST, to aid in the rapid searching of PubMed for publications of interest. It was designed by taking into account the needs of entire cancer centers as well as individual investigators. The experience of using the tool by our institution's cancer center administration and investigators has been favorable and we believe it could easily be adapted to other institutions. Use of the tool has identified limitations of automated searches for publications based on an author's name, especially for common names. These limitations could likely be solved if the PubMed database assigned a unique identifier to each author.

Alternate JournalCancer Inform
PubMed ID19458759
PubMed Central IDPMC2675510
David Hanauer
University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center at North Campus Research Complex
1600 Huron Parkway, Bldg 100, Rm 1004 
Mailing Address: 2800 Plymouth Rd, NCRC 100-1004
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2800 

Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Cancer Institutes of
Health under Award Number P30CA046592. The content is solely the responsibility
of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the
National Institutes of Health.

Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Cancer Institutes of
Health under Award Number P30CA046592 by the use of the following Cancer Center
Shared Resource(s): Biostatistics, Analytics & Bioinformatics; Flow Cytometry;
Transgenic Animal Models; Tissue and Molecular Pathology; Structure & Drug
Screening; Cell & Tissue Imaging; Experimental Irradiation; Preclinical
Imaging & Computational Analysis; Health Communications; Immune Monitoring;

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